Third Nephi Parallels
Reading 3rd Nephi and noticing a lot of parallels with events at the end of the gospels of the second day.
First and most obvious is the Intecessory Prayer (John 17). Some differences:
Jesus chooses the people there, not the Father.
Believing in Jesus is the stated criteria, not recognizing that Jesus is sent from the father / all his words are from the father. I assume this is basically the same thing. Being purified is emphasized in 3 Nephi.
I think the account in Nephi is clearer. John tends to break off to give definitions of things, which interrupts the chain of thought, though probably usefule. This is life eternal...
The Garden of Gethsemane
Particularly Jesus withdrawing himself a little ways three times to pray. The Nephites here don't cease to pray, and get to hear great things that nobody in Jerusalem was privilged to hear. (Yet the twelve in Jerusalem are clearly senior to the Nephite disciples)
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