The old Program

 My old program, which I followed for several months looked like this:


Pin Press ramp to sets of 4, approximately 85% 1 RM.

High Pull ramp to sets of 4, approximately 85% 1 RM.

Cross Cable Pull 14 reps (More effective lateral raise)

Clavicular fly 17 reps (ALACTIC*)

Face Pull


Glute Ham Raise 21 reps (ALACTIC)

Zercher Squat holds (hold 10 seconds at the bottom)

Cable kneeling pull over 21 reps ALACTIC

Adductor Machine 34 reps ALACTIC


Press shrugs 10 reps ALACTIC

Wall Press 34 reps ALACTC (similar to scrape the rack press, except roll the bar up the wall using weights)

Chest Row Machine 34 reps ALACTIC


Long distance running or biking (keep low intensity by intervals and rests as needed)

Partial Nordic Raise 10 reps ALACTIC

Apia Row 10 reps ALACTIC

*ALACTIC means do 1-3 reps (about 10 seconds), than rest 3x (abpit 30 seconds). This keeps the work in the phosphocreatine system and not straying into the lactate system. Replenishing the phosphocreatine uses the aerobic system. Idea is to work it well, without the added stress of utilizing lactate. +Strength, +Endurance. not so good for athletics/fighting, but then the lactate system is easy to bring up in just a few weeks if desired.

The idea was to get the best exercises to cover all the bases with an emphasis on shoulders and press, as completing an overhead press for bodyweight is my longstanding fitness goal. Since I would do the same exercises every week, for roughly the same reps, it would be easy and not require thinking. It also allowed me to do workouts with my home gym (except for Chest row machine, and adductor machine)

Results: It turns out I really like thinking about and changing programming. My press stagnated in this system, retrograding a little bit. I got a nagging minor injury in my abs that affected the pullover in particular. Generally dissatisfied. I am in my 40s so lack of progress on a lift would not neccesarily mean a program is bad, but I think this is bad. Still, much better than doing nothing.

Next post is my new programming framework.


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