
Family Scripture Study for 2022

 The Old Testament is long and sometimes hard to follow especially for children. So instead of trying to read the whole thing we are going to do an abridged, and simplified version. I will tell them the story, using the cartoon version of the old testament that we have. The cartoon version tends to tell the stories as blandly as possible, so I will tell the stories directly. They also skip a lot, so I will read ahead and tell them interesting ones that were skipped using online artwork as a visual aid. I don't know if there are good videos for this, but I really liked Prince of Egypt and we'll give King of Dreams a try based on that. We do want to do some reading of the direct words, which we will do two different ways: First, we'll read a verse or two for home-church. Second, we'll read these books: The book of Moses, the Book of Abraham, Deuteronomy, and Psalms. The books of Moses and Abraham are inspired and plain and in more modern language, like that of Doctrine an...

Fibromyalgia Chronicles

 I want to put down here my thoughts on fibromyalgia, which I think I have. I haven't bothered getting an official diagnosis, because there is not any treatment. Symptoms : Achy all over, especially back, back of legs. This is described as pain in the literature, I have a high pain tolerance or rather an insensitivity, so I expect it is the same thing. The best way to describe it is like a flu minute the respiratory symptoms, and fever symptoms. I have felt something like it before when I did heavy Olympic lifts with small rest intervals - I expect it has something to do with energy levels. Muscles feel easily fatigued. Cravings - intense food cravings. Demotivation - I feel like I can't do anything Trouble focusing. Overall feeling bad. I experience this about 1-4 days a week Triggers : Stress - too much to do, or problems hanging over me that I'm not sure what to do about. Noise - Someone talking over background noise is particularly bad, but an unrelenting stream of nois...


 I am struck, reading 3rd Nephi where Christ says, be ye therefore perfect even as I, or your father in heaven is perfect. The change from the Sermon on the Mount is that Christ has finished his race, he has become perfect. This works both for the meaning of the greek telos . translated into English as perfect which means to fulfil ones destiny, or to complete your growth or life's journey. Christ grew and progressed going from grace to grace. He said that he was the vine, and his father the grape farmer, that he cuts off every branch in him that does not bear fruit. At the time he visited the Nephites that was done. He had gone up to the father and been glorified with his glory, which he had before he came into the world. I wonder some about this glorification. He tells Mary not to touch him because he was not yet glorified, but then invites the apostles to thrust their hands into his wounds. Then presumably he was glorified in Acts 1 when he ascends into heaven. (I ascribe to the...

Battle for the 25th Century

 I've started introducing my boys to the games I liked as a Kid. I started with space 4X. I played MoO1 and MoO2. Those games are dated so I introduced them to what I consider the spiritual successors.  For MoO1 it is Sword of the Stars, for streamlined management and a focus on war, not building like almost all other 4Xs.  For MoO2 it is stars in shadow. It is a building focused game. Its building system is much improved from MoO2. It didn't bother me at the time, but it is a micromanagement hell. Stars in Shadow has an interesting system without a universal solution. It would be perfect if it had an additional top economic layer like slipways. However, the love of my life doesn't like them spending so much screen time. She has a point. Kids need blue skys for good eyes. As much as I liked those games, my development might have been better served with more social entertainment. So I decided instead to buy my kids a space strategy board game. It turns out that they don'...

How I Met Your Mother

 I'm re-watching H ow I Met Your Mother . I'm skipping episodes, based on its IMDB rating and whether it sounds interesting - I've ended up watching only about half of them.* That show has been mostly forgotten compared to Friends, maybe its time will come, retro-nostalgia seems to be on a 25-30 year clock. But probably its forgotten because it really goes into the player making his plays, which is misogynistic and not at all flattering. I read the show as satirizing this, not approving it, but that is the sort of nuance that is completely lost since the Great Awokening. One way it parodies this is that the player, is played by a gay actor. I wonder too if a gay was chosen for that role as a sort of joke, based on the fact that a player looks like a gay man: 1. high body count - the average gay has had 200+ partners which is the same as the character in the show. It has been said - and I think there is some truth in it, that your average straight guy would be as promiscuous...


 My coq10 supplement ran out. I've decided not to renew it. It appears to be an anti-oxidant, that may suppress ROS. While ROS is bad, it is an important signal that your body uses to determine if you are in fat burning mode or not. If you suppress this signal, mitochondria do not get the appropriate metabolic support for whichever metabolic mode it is and their function is impaired. Your body produces its own anti-oxidants as needed. For help with my fibro I started taking vitamin B1 (Benfotiamine) and coQ10 as far as I could tell are the only supplements with evidence of helping. However, there are more co-q-enzymes than just that one and that system they regulate is very complicated. I'm not convinced that chronic flooding it with coq10 is the best. I did learn that to build these co-Qs your body does need six of the different B vitamins.  So my plan is to get MitoQ, which is supposed to boost CoQ10 quickly and powerfully. I will use it whenever I feel a fibro episode comin...