Fibromyalgia Chronicles
I want to put down here my thoughts on fibromyalgia, which I think I have. I haven't bothered getting an official diagnosis, because there is not any treatment. Symptoms : Achy all over, especially back, back of legs. This is described as pain in the literature, I have a high pain tolerance or rather an insensitivity, so I expect it is the same thing. The best way to describe it is like a flu minute the respiratory symptoms, and fever symptoms. I have felt something like it before when I did heavy Olympic lifts with small rest intervals - I expect it has something to do with energy levels. Muscles feel easily fatigued. Cravings - intense food cravings. Demotivation - I feel like I can't do anything Trouble focusing. Overall feeling bad. I experience this about 1-4 days a week Triggers : Stress - too much to do, or problems hanging over me that I'm not sure what to do about. Noise - Someone talking over background noise is particularly bad, but an unrelenting stream of nois...